You can create a table of contents in Microsoft Word where its page number starts at 1.
Any preceding pages (e.g. title or cover page, abstract) do not have page numbers.
Figure 1 shows a table of contents beginning with page number 1. The title page has no page number.
Note: Alternative page numbering options
If you want to start page numbering before the table of contents, see create a table of contents with page numbers.
If you want to start page numbering after the table of contents, see create a table of contents with no page numbers.
If you want Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv...) for page numbers in the table of contents and Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4...) for page numbers in the rest of the document, see create a table of contents with Roman numeral page numbers.
The table of contents can be created at any time. However, to have entries in the table of contents, you need to set your headings in Microsoft Word as follows:
You can add, change or delete your headings at any time.
Set up any pages before the table of contents to have no page numbers. The example in Figure 1 has one page (title page) before the table of contents.
Figure 2 instructions (if required) are as follows:
Set up the page numbers for the table of contents, starting at 1 (see Figures 3–6).
Figure 3 instructions (if required) are as follows:
You will now set the page number in the table of contents to begin at 1.
Figure 4 instructions (if required) are as follows:
You will now position the page number in the header.
Figure 5 instructions (if required) are as follows:
You can now position the page number in the header, for example, against the right margin.
Figure 6 instruction (if required) is as follows:
The first page after the title page will start at number 1.
You can now create a table of contents.
Figure 7 instructions (if required) are:
A dropdown menu with the table of contents options will appear (see Figure 8).
Figure 8 instructions (if required) are:
The heading is the only difference between the two options.
If the last thing you do before you submit your paper is to create a table of contents, then you do not need to update the table of contents.
However, you must update your table of contents if you add, change or delete a heading.
You should also update your table of contents if you add, change, or delete text or figures because page numbers may change.
Figure 9 instructions (if required) are:
To create a table of contents where page numbering begins on the table of contents, you should (as shown above):
See this Microsoft page (opens in a new window) for more information about how to create a table of contents.
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